Why am I unacceptable

In fact there is not any explanation, but human just wants to understand things in the form of explanation, and this means that in the course of things is there finitely a kind of rationality which is a metaphysical assertion; world is reasoned.

So, I should say this viewpoint is wholly nonsense, because the world is foolish and even its rationality is involved in madness." there is never any reason; just rational interpretation of things is possible." I assure that the number of unexplainable things of this world is more than that of explainable things. The world is really absurd. People who observe some principles in life, which get the most important for them, regard them as guidance in the life. Actually how do they recognize authenticity of such principles? But life is something. While life offers contradictory examples of these principles, and at the same time we want to protect our principles with the least changes, so this is LIFE-IRONY. Constantly in life we follow procedures believed and far of any submission.

Everything I`ve seen

I saw how a man passed by and overlooked two pigeons along the pavement; you are lost belief
I saw how a root burned while it was still alive
I saw a big tree quaked at a wind
I saw how memory destroyed a mind

A god thinks his world is the best
So he never changes creature's adversity
He thinks "I am the god and this art of hest
Is my enormous realm and is my majestic rest"

A worm in a dark eye thinks
"How fine and warm this silk is, how true"
He thinks "this world", this tyrant body,
"remains forever shiny and blue"

A Nietzsche thinks "yet there is a way for salve"
With big mustache and midnight dream
So that eagle shouts "superman come on, come on"
how clean his suicide was, burning his scream

No light no dark

Leave me alone forever

Nobody will understand you

Giving explanation is useless

For what is all of this hard-working?

There is no ever truth

Moment of death is coming

Flowers blossom withered

How would you to be hopeful

Since hours ago Clouds have gone

They had never existed at first

Don`t say about truth that there isn`t

Violence tolerance bring you weakness

Not deference is between days

Life is a busy phone, because

Felicity will not be freed

There is no ever truth

Oh, "how beautiful is your eyes", in the past

I know, "never love will die"

Past is unchangeable, How much good!

To know that everything you know was beneficial

is something else

But there is no ever truth

"Live for life", you wrote on my arm

"Everything is at this time", you are singing

You put it on the clock

"A bit of immortality is immortal",

"The soul is bigger than everything",

You inscribed on my eyeglass

But who can I say

You know too

there is no ever truth

Snowy Day

Snowy Day

It's snowing to whiten Alborz,
where another day breaks
These antique inscriptions are another dream
In the closed eyelids of deer, song of the light blue
which has no way into my eyes,
There is another Sea in another vessels
Snake is also a passer-by, he was an excuse else
Hidden within its scales, he is also obvious
Eagle is returning its shadow on the sun
His defiance, he is not whispering
In his eyes, these morning virgin eyes, everything is poetry;
Even the hunting is another poetry
Her eyes in his eyes, are the other only eyes
Snake is also a passer-by, he was an excuse else
And snow can delay the death day;
Calm, shortly after there is another tomorrow.

روز برفی

برف می آید بر فراز البرز
آنجا که روز دیگری آغاز می شود
کتیبه های این پیکر عتیق رویای دیگری است
در پلک های بسته آهو آواز این آبی روشن
که ره نمی یابد در چشمهای من،
دریای دیگری در رگهای دیگری است
مار نیز یک رهگذر است، او بهانه بود
پنهان درون فلس های خود پیدای دیگری است
و عقاب می تابد سایه خود را بر آفتاب
او بی اعتنایی خود را نجوا نمی کند
در چشم های او، این چشم های باکره صبحگاه، همه چیز شعر است
حتی شکار نیز شعر دیگری است
و چشمهای آهو در چشمهای او، چشم های تنهای دیگری است
مار نیز یک رهگذر است، او بهانه بود
و برف روز مرگ را تاخیر می دهد
آرام باش، اندکی بعد فردای دیگری است

Belief and People

Belief and People

We, as I know, try hard to persuade others toward our beliefs. What do we almost presuppose?
We think to know something, for example P.

1.We think P is true, or considered as a postulate.
2.We think P can be justified while persuading others.
3.We think "the procedure of persuading others" is right, legally and ethically.
4.We think others must be gladly accepted and conceded in our beliefs.
5.We think our justification entirely could be revealed.
6.We think others must be sharply and definitively attacked to on the mind.
7.We think others finitely consent to our beliefs the best.

So, may I exaggerate the act of our convincing? But this always happens for us and others. I think people proudly like to keep their beliefs and deny any other beliefs, their faults, and unknown problems at web of beliefs. People don`t let others change or penetrate into their principles and evidences. They hate turning back and preparing these false truths, axioms and primary beliefs. They strongly dislike Socratic people, since this outlook is really ancient. Philosophers cry and weep on this adversity for long years and can never understand it deep. Nevertheless it seems one of the most important customs and habits of civilized societies that is rather UNOBVIOUS. I like to know why people are so (throgh psychological and sociological evidences and analyses). What do you think about? Can you help me?

تنهایی و دیگر هیچ

باید چیزی گفت. خوب، اما چه؟ اما باید چیزی گفت. اما چگونه؟ باید برویم در پستوی خانه تنها بنشینیم و دست روی دست بگذاریم؟ این جهان جای خوبی بود اگر ما نبودیم. ما نباید خودمان می بودیم، باید آنها می بودیم، اصلا فقط باید آنها می بودند. بیهوده نبود که هزاران انسان در طول تاریخ به عزلت غارها و جنگل ها و دیرهای تنهایی بیرون و درون رفته اند. این جهان هر پاکی بار آورده را آغشته به صد زشتی ناگزیر دارد. خود را در پستوی خانه نهان باید کرد. لعنت به ما که بر گرده ما تخت روان توست. لعنت به ما که در زمان تو نفس می کشیم. لعنت به ما که خون ما بر دست های تو ریخته. و لعنت به تو که به نام خدا انسان را گردن می زنی و به سلاخ خانه های شبانه ات می بری، لعنت به تو و حکمتی که در پس آفرینش توست.
(من به خاطر امور بسیاری که در سرنوشت من پیش آمده و از من انسانی ساخته که می خواهم این حرف ها را به میان آورم، متاسفم. اما فکر می کنم که دیگر حرف چندانی باقی نمانده که در زبان فارسی جای گفتن داشته باشد. فارسی زبانان بسیاری در ایران و جهان به وبلاگ نویسی مشغولند، اما من نمی توانم امیدواری خودم را نسبت به مردمان این دوران ایران، از قشر های معمولی و عام ایران حفظ کنم. من نمی توانم با یاس خود از ایرانیان عزیز کنار بیایم. حیف این همه فلسفه و شعر و ترجمه و هنر که در همین جهانی که این همه نکبت در آن وجود دارد، وجود دارند. حیف از همه چیز های خوب. من از ما متهوع ام. امیدی در جهت وبلاگ نویسی برای من باقی نمانده است. من از مخاطب خود بیزار شده ام. من ضعیف تر از آن ام که این همه زشتی در حضور من، در دنیای من، در زندگی من، حضور داشته باشد. در ایران انسان به پایان می رسد. کار فرهنگی در ایران چیزی در حدود فاحشگی است. جهان خارج با جهان کتاب ها خیلی فرق دارد. ای کاش دلیلی بود!)
"لعنت به شما که جز عشقی جنون آسا هر چیز این جهان شما جنون آسا ست."